Hello My Name is Rob

I am an aspiring Web Developer & Designer

"You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over." - Sir Richard Branson

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An Aspiring Web Developer and Designer

I started as a business management graduate, working in the sales and management fields. After being exposed to writing code and scripting surveys for one of my previous job roles, I realised I wanted to jump into the world of tech, and more specifically my passion for front-end development began. As of now, learning code is a hobby and I hope to pursue this into a full-time career. I originally wanted to wait until I had completed more projects but I have decided I will go live now and update slowly over time.

I am completely self-taught, watching videos online and learning through guides on various websites. It has been a steady but challenging process, but an enjoyable experience nonetheless. I especially enjoy the problem solving element of coding, tackling issues with multiples solutions. I also enjoy the creative side of web design - the freedom to experiment different styles has been a great journey for my personal development.

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My Latest Portfolio

Here is the list of projects I have worked on. I use this space to document my coding journey.

Pizza Survey
Car Website
Gym Website
Toy Shop
Image Editor

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+44 (0)7468 603 589

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